Sewanee Parent Organization

2024-2025 SPO Board Members


Ben Austin - President

Alan Ramirez - Vice President

Laureen Sparacio - Treasurer

Chasity Green - Secretary

Jesse Bornemann - Communications

Ashley Young - Member-at-Large 

Alexis Murphy - Member-at-Large

Tabitha Staples - Member-at-Large



Welcome to the Sewanee Parent Organization (SPO). If you have not done so, we encourage all Sewanee Elementary School parents to join SPO using this form. The SPO exists to promote the welfare of SES and its role in educating children in our area. We are funded primarily through the generosity of the Sewanee Community Chest, which allows us to provide teachers with money to spend on their classrooms, support the library, and fund various enrichment activities and events, among many other things. In addition to joining SPO, please consider donating to the Sewanee Community Chest through their website or by check mailed to Sewanee Community Chest, PO Box 99, Sewanee, TN 37375. SPO Board meetings are typically held on the first Friday of the month at 1pm at the Elementary School. All SPO members are welcome to attend!

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